Income Calculation
(a) To calculate a family's adjusted monthly income for purposes of determining income eligibility and/or calculating a family fee, the calculation shall be done by the use of an income calculation worksheet, and shall be calculated as provided for in subsections (b) and (c).
(b) When a family's income is regular and steady, use the income calculation worksheet that specifies:
(1) The frequency of the pay periods;
(2) The gross amount of the payroll check stubs; and
(3) All other sources of countable income to determine the adjusted monthly income pursuant to section 18078, as either:
(A) Weekly for 52 pay periods;
(B) Every two weeks for 26 pay periods;
(C) Twice monthly for 24 pay periods; or
(D) Monthly for 12 pay periods.
(c) When a family's income fluctuates because of migrant, agricultural, or seasonal work; inconsistent and/or unstable employment or self-employment; or intermittent income, as defined in section 18078, the adjusted monthly income shall be determined by averaging the total countable income from the preceding 12 months.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 8261, 8263 and 8263.1, Education Code. Reference: Sections 8261 and 8263, Education Code; and 45 Code of Federal Regulations Section 98.21.
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