Family Data File - CalWORKs Stage 3 Child Care Program


(a) For a family that transfers to a Stage 3 agency from a Stage 1, Stage 2, or another Stage 3 agency, the receiving contractor shall establish the family data file documentation based on the information provided by the transferring agency pursuant to section 18424. The family should not be required to produce new documentation until they are recertified for services pursuant to section 18425, unless they voluntarily request changes pursuant to section 18425.3.

(b) For a family being recertified for services in Stage 3 pursuant to section 18425, the contractor shall establish and maintain a family data file in accordance with section 18081, as applicable.

NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 8261, 8261.5, 8263 and 8269, Education Code. Reference: Sections 8354 and 8358.5, Education Code.

Last updated

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