Certification of Federal Eligibility for the Federal Based Migrant Program


Prior to enrolling a child in the Federal Based Migrant Program, the contractor shall certify that the child meets eligibility requirements of the Education Consolidation Improvement Act (E.C.I.A.), Chapter 1 Migrant funds. The certification documentation shall include:

(a) The child's full name, date of birth and birthplace;

(b) The parent(s) full name(s);

(c) The child's most recent address and date of departure;

(d) The child's current address and the date of arrival;

(e) Information about the employment of the parent(s) which identifies such employment as:

(1) seasonal or temporary and

(2) relating to fishing or agriculture;

(f) The purpose of the child's last move which qualifies the child for migrant services as defined in 34 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 201.3 (b);

(g) A statement signed by the parent(s) certifying that the child has moved with the family in order for the parent(s) to seek temporary or seasonal agriculturally related work;

(h) A statement signed by the contractor's authorized representative certifying that the child meets the eligibility criteria necessary to receive services funded by E.C.I.A., Chapter 1 Migrant funds; and

(i) Documentation that the parent has given consent for the child to participate in the program.

NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 8261 and 8263, Education Code. Reference: Sections 8233, 8261 and 8263, Education Code and 34 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 201.

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