Family Data File Contents
(a) Contractors shall establish and maintain a family data file for each family receiving early learning and care services.
(b) The family data file shall contain a completed and signed application for services and the following records, as applicable, to determine eligibility and need in accordance with Education Code section 8263(a)(1)(A) and (a)(1)(B):
(1) Records demonstrating eligibility based on the following:
(A) Current CalWORKs cash aid recipient
(B) Income eligibility, which shall include an income calculation worksheet;
(C) Family experiencing homelessness;
(D) The child is receiving child protective services;
(E) The child is identified as being abused, neglected or exploited or at risk thereof;
(2) Records demonstrating a need for services based on the following:
(A) The child is receiving child protective services;
(B) The child is identified as being abused, neglected or exploited or at risk thereof;
(C) Family experiencing homelessness;
(D) The parent is employed;
(E) The parent is seeking employment;
(F) The parent is enrolled in vocational training;
(G) The parent is enrolled in educational programs;
(H) The parent is incapacitated; or
(I) The parent is seeking permanent housing for family stability.
(c) The family data file shall also include the following:
(1) Documentation of a child's exceptional needs, if applicable;
(2) Applicable Notice(s) of Action as required in sections 18094, 18095, 18119, and 18120.
(3) For all center-based contractors, including those that provide services through a Family Child Care Home Education Network, the family data file shall contain all child health and current emergency information required by California Code of Regulations, title 22, Social Security, division 12, and Community Care Facilities Licensing Regulations.
(4) For all Alternative Payment Programs inclusive of CalWORKs Stage 2 and 3 Child Care Programs, the family data file shall contain the child's current emergency information required by California Code of Regulations, title 22, Social Security, division 12, and Community Care Facilities Licensing Regulations. Immunization records are not required to be kept on file unless the child is receiving care from a license-exempt provider, either in the child's own home or at the home of a relative of the child, and there are other unrelated children being cared for in the same setting.
(5) When the family is certified as income eligible, documentation of the notification to the parent of their requirement to report when the family's income exceeds the income threshold as described in section 18082.2.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 8261, 8261.5, 8263 and 8269, Education Code. Reference: Sections 8261, 8261.5, 8263 and 8269, Education Code; Sections 16500.5 and 16506, Welfare and Institutions Code; and 45 Code of Federal Regulations Section 98.41.
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